We've moved

alanamokma.com is officially up and running! Head on over now to check out the new design and features.

If you are already signed up to receive e-mail updates on this site, you are one-step ahead of the game! You should automatically receive updates in your e-mail for posts on the new site. Click —-> here <—- to go there now.

If you are signed up for updates through an e-reader or through WordPress, be sure to zip on over to the new site now to sign up for updates.

See you at the new home!

Alana Mokma

3 thoughts on “WE’VE MOVED!

  1. Alana…I’m a little bit confused and viewing this on my phone isn’t helping. Do I need to subscribe to the new site if I am subscribed to the old one?


    Sent from my iPhone

    • Hi Amanda!

      Did you receive a notification this morning of a new post on alanamokma.com? If you did, you are all set and do not need to do anything. If you did not, then I have some bugs to work out and you will want to subscribe on the new site. 🙂

What do you think?