Did You See This One?

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

In lieu of new content today, I am highlighting a few of the most recent popular posts. If you’ve missed any of these, I highly recommend you check them out. They are electric!

Your Story: Kim Lincoln
I had to acknowledge how sexual abuse played a part in how I perceived my body and in what I have done to protect myself at all costs, including how I have used food and my weight to both shield my emotions and keep people at bay.

Your Story: Abigail Livingston
I was taught that “true love waits”, meaning that I should not have sex until I get married. There was not much else shared about romantic relationships as I was growing up even in church-and I was definitely not allowed to date.

Your Story: Joy McMillan
A people pleaser par excellence. It would seem I had every reason to succeed at life. All the makings of a healthy, well-rounded, confident young lady. But something was horribly wrong behind the scenes as my mystery wounds festered, alone in the basement of my heavy little heart.

Your Story: Emily Maynard
But somewhere along the way, my name got twisted up. Somehow, somewhere, I took on the name of “Does Everything One,” which quickly turned into “Disappointed One,” “Self-Berating One,” “Flakey One,” and “Exhausted One.” And let me tell you, these titles are even less fun in real life than they are on this page.

The Introvert
A few months ago, I struggled with my perception of “the introvert.” My experience has been that he is quiet, doesn’t want to talk, makes me feel uncomfortable because he doesn’t want to talk, and it seems he could care less if he knew me or didn’t know me. This didn’t make me feel special, and I want to feel special.

New content next Tuesday! [I continue my story of how my love for alcohol changed my life.]

In the comment section, caption this photo.

Your Story: Kim Lincoln

I Can’t Give Up
shared by Kim Lincoln

1. Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2. Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

Kim Lincoln

Hi! I am Kim, and I have been actively engaged in my journey toward holistic health for the past four years. Four years ago, I began to take a very assertive and conscious look at how my story and life circumstances contributed to my lifelong weight issue. More specifically, I had to acknowledge how sexual abuse played a part in how I perceived my body and in what I have done to protect myself at all costs, including how I have used food and my weight to both shield my emotions and keep people at bay.

Kim in her earlier days

When I decided to embark on this journey, I did not know what I was getting into. Not really. I knew it would be hard. I knew it would be painful. I knew I would have to confront all of the ugliness within me. Although I “knew” this, I only knew it on a superficial level. I had no idea what this really meant. If I had, I am not sure I would have stepped into the journey. It is far easier to view your life from a victim perspective, where nothing is your fault, and you “can’t help” being 300+ lbs. If only those awful things had never happened to me. If only I had had a perfect childhood, where the heart was cared for in the best possible way, where divorce and anger were not present and where sexual abuse never happened.

If only.

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